What to Look Out for When Buying an Air Purifier

With the onset of winter, all of northern India begins to experience visibly poor air quality. Indicators such as PM2.5 and PM10 reach values ​​of 600 and 999 respectively. There is no denying that the current air quality is hazardous to health and citizens can only stay indoors at full speed with an air purifier. However, it is not recommended to lock yourself in a room with an air purifier as it may harm you. Doctors suggest that the air we breathe contains more than about 2.5 particles and fresh air exchange is also necessary. With that in mind, here are some important things to check when buying an air purifier.

Think about the size of the room before you use an air purifier

Before thinking about an air purifier, think about the size of the room. Most of the air purifiers in the range available are for medium sized rooms. So if you have more space, consider buying a model with a larger capacity.

There are various types of filters, choose wisely

Be sure to know the type of filter used in the air purifier before you take it. Filters must be equipped to remove dust, dust, fumes, odors and other harmful contaminants. There are four types of filters available – home HEPA filter system, charged media, antibacterial and bactericidal, and electrostatic precipitators.

Also, make sure the air purifier has a pre-filter that can remove pet dander and other large particles from the air purifier at the primary filtration stage. You should change the filter regularly to improve the cleaning performance of the cleaner.

Focus on the air exchange rate to determine the efficiency of the air purifier

The air change rate indicates how often the air purifier cleans the air throughout the room in an hour. So if you find an air purifier that claims to have 5 ACH (air turnover rate per hour) that means cleaning the air every twelve minutes. For effective air purification, choose an air purifier with an ACH rating of 5 to 6.

Look for the CADR rating before choosing an air purifier

CADR means fresh air supply speed. This is how you can determine how fast the air purifier is working. It calculates how many cubic meters of air the device can filter in one minute. The higher the CADR number, the better the air filtration. The air purifier has three CADR numbers for dust, pollen and smoke. If you have a larger work area, consider choosing an air purifier with a higher CADR rating.

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Choose an air purifier with an activated carbon filter to remove odors

When buying an air purifier, give preference to one that has an activated carbon coating. This layer absorbs all harmful gases and chemicals in the air and provides odorless air. Larger activated carbon filters can absorb more chemicals from the air and also last longer.



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